Hyo Jeong Academic Foundation  Filial love is the root of all virtues. 

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The Three Branches of IAAP

The Three Branches of IAAP

Heraclitus hailed change as of the essence; both Socrates and Aristotle found contradictions in his position. Apparently this debate continues today. The pillar of Academia remains staid, while all about it things are in constant flux, as we can see.

In one of our first public “deeds”, the International Association of Academics for Peace has identified no less than three main branches of our work toward firming up the foundations of a good world in the academic arena, which we elaborate in following.

Corresponding to the three major types of missions comprising the vision of “Academia”, we see these areas of pursuit as the Academic Movement, Movement of Thought, and Education Movement.

2019 HJ Academy International Symposium in Berlin

2019 HJ Academy International Symposium in Berlin

2019 International Symposium in Berlin

Hosted by HyoJeong Academy of Arts & Sciences and UPF Europe The 2019 International Symposium in Berlin was held on June 22, 2019 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel. The symposium was hosted by the HyoJeong Academy of Arts and Sciences and UPF Europe and sponsored by PWPA International, the Unification Thought Institute and the Cheon Il Guk Academy.

There were about one hundred fifty attendees from all over Europe and thirty attendees from Korea.

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